in-Self. in-Society. in-Systems. Inception.

Join us for Inception GHC24’s groundbreaking academic schedule.

Level 1: in-Self

Level 1: in-Self

Level 1: in-Self

In-Self untangles the tangible and intangible roots of our being, to unearth the tapestry of our identity, uncovering our individual roles in Global Health.

Level 2:

Level 2: in-Society

Level 2: in-Society

In-Society delves into the waves of intersectionality, to upsurge the voices deep in the undercurrents of our society.

Level 3:

Level 3: in-Systems

Level 3: in-Systems

In-Systems unearths the rules etched into the stone of our systems, to rewrite the wrongs of our past.

Submit your research!!

Got some Global Health Research you want to share?

Submit to our poster presentation competition to advance Global Health knowledge (and your CV!)